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February 17, 2009


D.G. Hollums

Love the link love post! Especially the thoughts on defining "church". Thanks man!



What are your personal thoughts on bullet number one? Being in limbo right now and searching for a new church home, I find that the denomination is not as important as the people and the theology of the individual church overall. My big draw is a church that encourages the relationship with God more so than the relationship with the church. What I mean by this (and this is true) one church I was considering checking out actually asks their members at membership class to commit a certain amount of money to THE CHURCH and commit a certain amount of time to THE CHURCH just to be a member of it. I'm sorry, but that just made me sick. I don't think you can force anyone to do that, and I don't think it's biblical. I want a church who teaches me how to grow vertically. The church will then benefit from this as I grow and mature and want to serve HIM. The church is but one avenue to do this. I don't think someone should go to a particaluar church just because it's where their parents went and be committed to one denomination their whole lives. What are your thoughts?? Just curious. Thanks, Angie

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