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March 07, 2009


Rick Odgers

Hey Eric,
Jon was one of my best friends in high school. We hung out all the time, playing basketball, softball, swimming, talking... I don't even want to think of all the hours we wasted playing video games in his basement. We drifted apart after college, and I only saw him a once or twice after that, but he was a great guy and it sounds like he made an impact in the lives of those around him.

Anyway, my HS 20 yr reunion is in a little over a week, and I was just doing some searching to see if I could find anything about Jon and I ran across you blog. I am really glad you posted it. I was hoping to create a little memorial for him at the reunion, so if you don't mind, I might even print it out. If you have anything else about Jon, or maybe even something from his funeral, I would really appreciate the information.

Hope your congregation has accepted your "new look". I'm sure Jon is happy you held up your end of the deal.

Rick (in Minneapolis)

Brian Russell

Welcome to the club. I had both of my ears pierced on Father's Day 2006. It has been much easier to share the Gospel with strangers. In my Orlando context, I stand out only in church culture.

Bert Montgomery

Thanks, Eric! And as another ear-pierced pastor, I salute you! Jon would indeed be most proud, and I'm glad Siri directed me to your blog.

Blessings and peace,

Bert Montgomery

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