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July 29, 2010



There is a state of being, a state of mind that I think keeps us from experiencing the very change that we desire most... to be made whole and holy... some call it normal - "I've been this way and it is normal for me to..."

Maybe we can't see what God sees in us... what we can become if we would release "normal" and follow God. "God, just show me what I can become!" And maybe God says to us... "Do you trust me or not?"

Neil T. Campau  Sr.

It is truly the hardest thing to do is admit our brokedness, and I for one do admit I have "flaws"
and I wonder sometimes why I seem to be what some might call a leader when I have those "flaws" but I think we are supposed to fight the negitives. Realize that we really do not do it on our own and all we really have to do is ask and He is there. We do not walk alone, lead alone or do anything alone for God is always with us, just ASK!

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