My wife and I have made a conscious decision over the last 6 months or so to go green; to lesson our carbon imprint and embrace God's call to responsibly use the amazing natural resources that God's given us.
We've done a fair amount or reading, web browsing and the like and have come across a lot of useful and disturbing stuff. For anyone who thinks the science behind things like global warming is lacking, then they're just not paying attention.
No, don't worry, I'm not going to go fanatic on you and suggest that the sky is falling tomorrow. But I am going to suggest to you that as followers of Jesus you and I are called to care for creation, not simply treat it as a disposable resource.
Anyway...sorry for the mini sermon...Lisa this morning showed me this website that demonstrated the accumulation of space trash [yes as in outer-space] and how it has accumulated since the 50's. Frankly, it disturbs me to think that we're not just polluting the planet but now are chucking Taco Bell wrappers and the like into space [not really, the space trash is stuff that falls off or is eliminated from satellites, the space station, and the like].
Here is some of the info I was looking at in you're interested. They have done it by combining hard research and then creating a computer simulated model. It's pretty cool how they've put it together.
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